Savvy Ways to Secure Funding

Brianna Arps, founder and CEO, MOODEAUX

How Brianna Arps Scored Funding to Build Her Fragrance Brand
The Moodeaux founder shares her secrets to landing funding from investors like Pharrell Williams.
First-time founder Brianna Arps shares her tips for a successful pitch and choosing the right partners, and how small steps can lead to big things.
First-time founder Brianna Arps shares her tips for a successful pitch and choosing the right partners, and how small steps can lead to big things.
Catch the highlights
  • How Moodeax’s Founder Finds Landing a Top Notch Investor a Lot Like Dating
    Video | 1:53 min
  • How Moodeaux’s Founder Protects Her Investor Pitch From Competitors
    Video | 1:22 min
  • How Moodeaux's Founder Shares Her Greatest Insights On What to Share With Investors
    Video | 4:23 min

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